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Video and Moving Images.

COVIDHQ Editorial Squad
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Africa in Focus: Highlights from the Qatar Economic Forum 2021

CovidHQAfrica showcases some of the highlights from the Qatar Economic Forum which touch on the effects pandemic on the continent as well as what lies in store for the future.

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The Chui Mamas of Koija

Despite the collapse of wildlife tourism in a remote village, women in Koija have found alternative ways to survive Covid-19, and save their leopards. Paula Kahumbu documents their journey in a short video.

COVIDHQ Editorial Squad
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Minding Our Minds

This dynamic group of mental health champions share their desire for all people to have access to mental health care and community support without fear of stigma.

COVIDHQ Editorial Squad
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You Are Not Alone

May is Mental Health Awareness month. Covid-19 has had an impact on all of us, and developing the skills to cope with daily life is an important part of maintaining good mental health. Here are a few ways to do it.

COVIDHQ Editorial Squad
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A High Note in a Low Moment

Composer and jazz musician, Bokani Dyer, created 'Kelenosi' the album that defined his aloneness during lockdown.

COVIDHQ Editorial Squad
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Vaccine Confidence in the Face of an ‘Infodemic’

Dzikamayi Chando speaks to Zimbabwean nationals on getting vaccinated for Covid19

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Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa: Education is the Key

Africa constitutes 25% of global vaccine demand but currently only supplies 1% of the 1.3 billion vaccines needed annually. Mastercard Foundation’s Dr Reeta Roy weighs in on why developing human capital is key to changing this.

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A Push to Make Vaccines in Africa

In 2019, Africa imported over $15 billion worth of pharmaceutical products. How can trade and health be placed at the nexus of African industrialisation?

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A Race for Jabs

The month of March saw an increase in vaccine rollouts or trials in preparation for mass rollout.

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The Bamboo That Bends

There's a saying that goes, ‘the bamboo that bends is better than the oak that resists'. By Brian Ongadi.

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Quality, Speed & Equity

Immunization and vaccination experts from around the world outlined the current state of the world’s vaccination campaigns while addressing the urgent needs and concerns regarding public trust in the efficacy of vaccines; access and challenges.

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Her Voice!

Young African women share their one idea for creating a more equal world, in their field of expertise.